Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today we took the kids out to the Baker Wetlands to catch and tag butterflies. The Monarch butterflies use the Baker Wetlands as a kind of rest stop on their journey down to Mexico for the winter. They fill up their tanks, grab a ham and cheese....
KU has a Monarch research department, so for the last 3 Septembers, we have gone out to the Wetlands, to help these entomologists tag butterflies, so they can be tracked on their travels.
It truly has been such a joy for the family. I love the unique memories this gives the children. It's something they will never forget.


steve and randel hambrick said...

whitby's hair has gotten so LONG, and it's AMAZING.. and your baby ain't such a baby no mo... ;(

Chels said...

You guys are real scientists...helping with research and everything! I'm so happy to be an Alexander...surrogately, of course. :-) I LOVE YOU!

Brints Family 5 said...

Wow Nik, what beautiful children you have. They are getting so big. Don't you look back sometimes and think"I am so glad God knew what He was doing!!!!!" Sonetimes things that look so scary turn out to be the biggest blessings in our lives! Love you!