Friday, January 14, 2011

Goodbye to my friends

It grieves my heart to leave my job at Resurrection. I am so thankful and have learned so much working here. But the saddest thing to leave is my volunteer position as a worship leader at Vibe. 5 hours of my week that I don't even get paid for - and it's the hardest thing to say goodbye to.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

We're moving...

I'm so conflicted.

I love my job here at Resurrection. I love my friends, community, neighborhood, house, elementary school. I LOVE leading worship on Sunday mornings at Vibe.

But we have the opportunity in this move to Alabama for me to stay home with the kids. I am even considering home-schooling! This stay-home thing is something I have never done. Frankly, I don't know if I will be any good at it. But I am excited to try.