I feel like summer2014 just flew by! We were in Israel the first half of May,
then TX with family for the 2nd half.
June, we stayed around Tuscaloosa. I hosted the #omstrong #yoga challenge with my friend Anna #momstrong.
Aside from that, we just rested from our crazy May travel schedule.
July was travel packed again - - went to my folks for the first week, then down to the Gulf for the 3rd week.
And August, we started back to SCHOOL! A little worried at the pace of the summer. I have to ask: does each summer begin to go by exponentially faster every year? I know that is impossible. Yet, why do I suddenly have a 3rd, 5th, and 7th grader?
I am thinking that perhaps I should separate content - - keep homeschoolqueen all about school and parenting, then let ziondreamer be everything outside of that... what do you think? I started homeschoolqueen.com because I have particular parenting and schooling passions which I want to give special attention to. Yet, my life with dogs, yoga, livestock, and home-improvement need to fit in there somewhere. Do people often carry two different blogs, depending on the topic? Not sure how to navigate.
Whether you can meet with us or not, I'd love to share with you the book list I have chosen for our Mighty Girls Book Circle this spring. If you have a daughter 9-11ish, jump in and read with us! You can interact with me on Facebook or email.
3 times a week, the children and I rise and meet one another in the living room or outside for morning yoga and meditation. Last Thursday, we invited other children to join us. It was so much fun! 9 children ranging from 2 to 12. The energy in the room was precious and pure.
This guy is 12!!
Canon has been such a joy in our lives. These 12 years have been a flash flood. Canon is generous, compassionate, helpful and cheerful! I am so thankful to be his mama. He teaches me everyday about kindness, justice and friendship!
Here are some snapshots of the last year in the life of this awesome fella.