Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I don't mean to brag, but...

But my braiding skills are pretty much awesome.

Introducing Ashley McBride, an amazing woman who:
Lives with us.
Helps shepherd my children.
Has beautiful, silky, straight hair.

She shared with me that every once in a while she braids her hair at night and sleeps on it. By morning, voila - body and waves.
Her typical technique is to weave two french braids - last night I suggested we try three.

"I will help you because, well, I don't mean to brag but, I can weave a tight french braid."

She was game and we chatted while sectioning out her hair into three braids. I brought my A-game. I broke a sweat and my hands almost cramped from the high level of skill these braids were asking for.
Upon completion we were pretty excited that we had just channeled Julia Styles in "Save the Last Dance".

Ashley had a leisurely morning. Went out for breakfast, enjoyed some relaxation with her bestie Liz (shout out!). Little did she know what she was about to unravel.

She texted me this photo with the comment: Umm, I think that I am going to stick with two braids from now on.


Ashley Joy said...
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Ashley Joy said...


You many gems came from this experience. Among them we find: not one but TWO character references (Save The Last Dance & Saved By The Bell), priceless quality time AND a new funky low-bun do that I never would have figured out on my own had your three braid idea not come up. Not to mention a handful of thoughtful compliments I received today, all of which I ultimately attribute to your mad braiding skills. ;)

Successful mission? I think yes. Am I looking forward to our next venture? Most definitely.

The Nanny with AWESOME hair.

Chels said...

Ohmygosh, I LOVE it!!
Ashley, you are so Jessie... AND, with this new do, you could totally pass for Whit and Cos' mom AND you can do the whole messy up-do thing that us naturally straight haired girls so often envy! I think you should rock it often. :)

P.S. I discovered that trick a few years ago and love to bust it out from time to time. I have to admit, though, the 3 braids is definitely revolutionary.

Nik, Ash, I'm loving you two so much right now. :)

Between You and Me said...

this makes me laugh.