We spent 4 hours at our Country Club pool, enjoying the bbq and a newly installed slide. It rained on and off all day here in Tuscaloosa. Fortunately, for the majority of the day there was no lightening or thunder, so the lifeguards at our pool allowed the fun to go on.
Since it was so cool outside when we got home, I built a fire, while Creighton did a couple hours of yard work. The children relaxed inside for a while, then joined us outside.
Creighton had purchased some city-limit approved :) fireworks for that night. We only got to about half of them, because of the rain. We tried again the next night - - still raining. And finally again on the 6th. Although it was STILL raining, we managed to get a break in the drizzle to finish off the sparklers. My friend Meredith and her two little guys came over, sparklers are always more fun with friends. :)

Then finally, the FINALE. A glorious Chinese lantern, that caused ooooohs and aaaaaaahs and delighted the hearts of the children. (Needle scratches record) Unfortunately, the lantern got about 10 feet in the air and then caught on fire, plummeting to its death. We put it out of its misery in the fire. Hugged our friends goodbye, then off to bed.

Overall a calm relaxing extended Independence Day celebration. Lots of rain, fire, yard work, and intermittent fireworks. Hope your 4th was fantastic.
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