Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Recycle it!

I chuckled this morning as I remembered the conversation that first inspired me to recycle. In 2004, we had some friends over for dinner. I finished off the milk and then used my inner thighs to collapse the milk jug. I put the lid back on and threw it in the trash.
My friend Jimmy Emery asked, "What are you doing?"
I replied, "Well when I collapse it, it takes up less room in my trash and in the landfill."
He laughed, and with gentle correction he said, "Nikki, why don't you just recycle it?"

An eye-opening experience for me.

Now, we recycle everything we can: cardboard, paper, cans, bottles, and most definitely milk jugs.

How and when did you begin?


Between You and Me said...

started when we moved to almost 3 years ago....

LOVE it...makes me feel good to do it.

would have started years ago but the town we lived in (my hometown) is super small and they are NOT recycle friendly at ALL.

Ashley Joy said...
