Sunday, August 11, 2013

My summer with beverages.

Looking back at all my moments captured in Summer 2013, I notice a trend weaving in and out of the photos. That trend: Me enjoying tasty bevs with some of my favorite people. Obviously I had a super summer.

Beach beverages
Gulf Shores, AL
My Chelsea's birthday

Blue Moon while operating a 2-wheeled vehicle.
Watercolor, FL
Cold draw Blue Moon, con mi esposo, y naranja
Watercolor, FL

Followed by more margaritas...

Starbucks date with my man in June.FaceTime with Sarah the week before her wedding in July.
Girls night coffee in August.

And last but not least, Wine.
Wine and home improvement.
Wine with a view.
Wine in a cougar-town-rivaling GIANT glass.



Melissa said... there a better way to take a selfie or pose for a pic than with beverage in hand??? I think not! ;)

Lauren W said...

I don't know about the beverages, but I am LOVING your shirt in the bottom right picture. I knew you would convert.

A.B. said...

I love a bev. And think you're pretty great as well. So glad I found your blog!