Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have really been loving Bill Hybels leadership book AXIOMS.
The chapters are 2 pages long so I feel like I am getting somewhere!

Chapter I read today was about hiring leaders.

Might seem hokey, but he always looks for the 3 C's: Character, Competence, Chemistry.

Character is top priority (in church work clearly) and that is what he spends the majority of his time checking out. Even takes people on outings to "observe" the way the handle certain situations.
Next, Competence. No brainer. You definitely need someone with the right qualifications - skills, experience, talent...etc.
Third is Chemistry. He talks about the importance of a person being a good fit within the team. "Don't overlook this", he warns, "Your team and the work will suffer if they don't have chemistry".

In the past, we (Creighton and I) have brought people on our teams just because we need to fill a position or we were in a bind or because the person really really really wanted to be there. We learned the lesson of the 3 C's early on - - and we're still learning. I'm glad to hear Bill articulate it in this memorable way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info. i have not quite gotten that right yet. Hiring just the right person. :) Gotten close, but alas, she left me. :(