Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The UMC in the 21st Cntury

Four Areas of Focus: A conversation is taking place across the United Methodist Church about a vision of ministry and mission for the 21st century. Inspired by the UM ministries around the globe, this vision has emerged as the Four Areas of Focus for the future of the United Methodist Church. They are:

1. Developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world.
2. Creating new places for new people and renewing existing congregations.
3. Engaging in ministry with the poor.
4. Stamping out the killer diseases of poverty by improving health globally.


Dana said...

How do you choose what principled means? Some would say that homosexualness should be included.

How do you energize churches when there is such apathy in the church as a whole?

How do you??

Unknown said...

The important thing for us (in my opinion) is that we have not had this kind of focus in the past. These four tasks for our denom are to basically start new churches, involve young people, to prioritize justice and to extend our hand globally.
In the past, have been spread miles wide and inches deep. So I think these areas of focus will help point us all in the same direction.
Apathy: It speaks more about our fallen nature than what church we are in or if we are even in a church, don't you think?
Homosexuality: A whole separate conversation.....but it is not explicitly or inexplicitly linked to the 4 foci.